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Camp Comfortably With These Tips And Tricks

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There are many people who have thought about going camping for years, but have failed to do so because they don't know anything about camping. If you are one of these people, then don't worry. There is enough camping information in the following article that can have you in a tent in no time.

While a campfire gives off enough light in the general area around it, you want to be sure you take along a flashlight on your camping trip if you plan to venture outside of the campfire's glow. This is a definite safety precaution you don't want to ignore. It can be quite dark out there in the woods at nighttime.

If you'd like to prevent mosquito bites, but want to avoid using harsh chemicals, use an orange peel instead. Rub the orange peel over exposed areas of the skin, such as the neck, arms, face and legs to naturally repel mosquitoes. Not only will the orange peels feel better on your skin than traditional repelling chemicals, but they will smell better, too!

Pack a few shovels if there are children with you on your trip. Kids love nothing better than digging in the dirt, and having the right accessories is crucial. If you have room, bring a bucket too. The children will happily entertain themselves in the dirt while you unpack, set up camp and do everything that you need to do.

Always keep a close eye on yourself, your family, and your possessions; as they will all get a little dirty. If you're prepared beforehand then you won't be so stressed out when things start to get dirtier. Have fun on your trip and don't worry about getting messy; it happens. You can return to being clean and civilized when you're at home.

Avoid any wildlife you may come into contact with. Bears have become a fairly large problem with campers. In some parks they have been known to rip open the trunk of a car to gain access to food. Raccoons are also a big problem in many campgrounds. Not only are they smart and can gain access to your food supplies easily, but they can carry disease as well.

Make sure you pack plenty of camping-friendly food. Depending on the length of your stay, you will want food that is not very perishable. It could end up causing food poisoning and quickly end your trip. Prepare all of your food in the proper way and take any necessary precautions.

Bring supplies for 'Smores. 'Smores are an integral part of any camping trip. Simply pack graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows. Toast the marshmallows, then make it the filling to a graham cracker/chocolate sandwich. When you have a 'Smore, you will want 'some more'--bring enough for everyone to have at least two of them!

Let people know where your group is headed. Just in case anything happens to any of you, you want to know that there are people who know where you are at. This is a good precautionary measure to take if something were to happen to your camping group, because help will be on the way soon.

Do not approach any wild animals while you are camping. Something that may appear harmless and adorable could be incredibly territorial. Furthermore, be sure not to feed any animals, as doing so may lead to injuries. Avoid keeping any food inside of your tent to prevent animals from destroying your campsite. Keep it stored away safely or in a nearby tree.

If you are a novice at camping, don't stray far from home. You don't want to be far away if you decide you've had enough of camping, or if you have problems with your equipment. You may run short of food or need more clothing than you packed. There are a lot of different things that can come about and being closer to home will make it a lot easier.

Camping is fun, and camping with kids can be even more fun, but certain precautions need to be made for these little campers. Take plenty of extra clothes for them, because they will get dirty and wet. It's important they don't stay in wet clothes, because it's possible, it could result in hypothermia. This goes for adults, too.

Bugs and mosquitoes are a common camping annoyance. You could buy a commercial repellent with chemicals, but a good natural way to keep bugs away from your body is by using an orange peel. Rub the inside of the peel on your arms and legs. This is a inexpensive, responsible way to repel annoying pests.

An easy, yet often forgotten tip is to find shelter before it gets dark. It's very hard to set up your tent when it's dark outside. If you wait until dark to pitch your tent, you will need to build a fire or light several lanterns to ensure you can see to pitch your tent correctly. It will obviously be much easier to pitch your tent if the sun hasn't gone down yet.

Remember the Boy Scout motto - be prepared! Try to plan your camping trip as best you can, but know that unexpected events can arise. Weather is truly unpredictable at times, so prepare yourself for the worse. It's vital to everyone's well being that no severe risks are taken and that all safety precautions are heeded.

Since the tent is one of the most important parts of your camping trip, be sure the one you get is appropriate. Figure out how many people are coming on the trip so you can get a big enough tent. Also, make sure the tent you get prevents moisture from getting inside.

Food safety is very important while you are camping. Keep food in waterproof containers of airtight bags. Store your food in an insulated cooler. Cooked foods should always be kept away from raw foods so they don't become contaminated. Also keep you hands clean with soap or water-free cleaner before you handle food. Cook all of your food to the right temperature and get them chilled quickly.

Make sure you secure all sources of food at night when you go to sleep. There are many animals that can frequent campgrounds at night and scavenge your food, especially when left open build a tent platform and unattended for hours. You don't want to wake up to your food scattered everywhere, and you left with a shortage.

Make sure that your tent is well ventilated and dry. When sleeping in your fully sealed tent, condensation will build on the walls and your sleeping bag. This may cause you to awake wet. Tents usually have some openings in them to ensure that moisture doesn't build up too much.

As you now know from the article above, camping is not simply driving out into the wilderness without proper planing. Rather, there are many important things to consider when venturing out to the great outdoors. Keep the tips you've just read on hand and implement them the next time you decide to go camping.

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